7 Tips To Return To The Center When Life Pulls A Rug From Under Your Feet

5 mins read

2021 Apr 15

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Mental health is an essential part of your wellness routine that needs to be taken care of, as it affects mindfulness, energy, sleep, diet, social interaction, and other important aspects of your lifestyle.

Mental well-being is important because:

  • It has a strong influence on your health.
  • It influences your productivity and focus.
  • It affects your relationships with family, friends, and the community at large.
  • It has a direct impact on your emotional stability.

Now that we understand how crucial mental well-being is to our overall health, let’s dive into the ways in which you can begin to feel good in your own skin.

1. You come first

We are often our worst critics. Of course, staying critical of the things surrounding you is a good way to go. Yet, sometimes, there are moments when criticism and bad thoughts can negatively impact you and cause underlying issues.  

When you find yourself going down the self-blame road, pay attention to your thoughts and examine the reasons that led you to this. As you do so, try to replace exaggeratedly negative thoughts with realistic statements. Try to ask yourself what advice you'd give to a friend struggling as you do. 

Self-criticism leads to many negative consequences. Your goal is to mitigate its effects and learn how to solve such moments of doubt. 

Thus, take some time to balance self-improvement with self-acceptance, as that will help you to manage negativity and boost your mental health.

2.  Get rid of that toxic energy

Sometimes it might be challenging to deal with negative energy in your life. It can be the case since toxic energy could come from different sources such as people, the environment, or even your own mind. Yet, it doesn't mean that it's impossible to ditch that negativity and boost your well-being. So, when it comes to managing negative energy around you, try to:

  • Put a mental defensive wall from negative people.
  • Avoid clutter in your surroundings because untidiness creates anxiety, making your wellness pursuit challenging.
  • Surround yourself with material that inspires you, like plants, books, music, or various wellness-related posters.
  • Stay active and eat well. 

Negative energy in your life can create chronic stress, upsets the body's hormone balance, and hinders your wellness journey. 

That's why you shouldn't be afraid to face negativity bravely and cut yourself away from the sources from which it stems. Remember, the quicker you set yourself free from negative impact, the better you can achieve a healthy lifestyle, confidence, and self-appreciation. 

3. Sleep is king

Alongside eating healthily or staying active, good quality sleep is essential. Sleep assists in keeping your mind and body healthy because it can:

  • Maximize problem-solving skills, ensure a good mood, and enhance your memory.
  • Affect emotions and social interactions.
  • Reduce the dangers of getting mental health issues.
  • Improve your immune function.
  • Help avoid inflammatory bowel diseases.
  • Affect glucose metabolism and help reduce the risk of type 2 diabetes.

In order to get all these benefits, commit 7–8 hours each day for sleeping and try to follow a precise sleeping schedule as well. Take time to create a good sleep environment around you: make sure your bedroom is dark and quiet; also, consider keeping electronic devices out of the bedroom.

Plus, try to change some of your daily habits to boost your sleeping routine for the better. Things like staying active, cutting products with caffeine, alcohol, quitting smoking, and avoiding big meals close to bedtime will boost sleep quality and achieve desired wellness results. 

The bottom line of sleeping is this – good sleep is one of the pillars of health. Optimal health can be achieved by taking care of yourself as it will ensure your success while reaching wellness, and it will definitely improve your mental health.

4.  Healthy food will do wonders for your mood

Probably you know that a healthy diet is key to achieve wellness. But apart from reaching a healthy weight and other benefits, the foods you eat can affect your mood, and if chosen wisely, they can do wonders for you. 

Some of the products which you should include in your meals to feel the fantastic boost of energy are:

  • Fatty fish
  • Dark chocolate
  • Fermented foods
  • Bananas
  • Oats
  • Berries 
  • Nuts and seeds
  • Coffee

It’s sometimes tempting to indulge yourself in sweet, sugary things when you’re feeling low. But foods like these that have high carbohydrate levels can cause you to feel unpleasant laziness. So, avoid such products to avoid feeling low.

That said, focus on healthy eating as it can help keep your blood sugar stable and maintain your mood throughout the day.

5.  Calm down after stressful situations

Stress or anxiety is a normal part of life. However, it doesn't mean that it should happen constantly. Having a couple of strategies you're familiar with can help you cope and control the situation. 

Here are some helpful tips you can try to calm down when things don't go the way you intended:

  • Take slow, deep breaths. Or try other breathing exercises for relaxation. 
  • Write.
  • Read a book. 
  • Take a short walk.
  • Chew a gum.
  • Soak in a warm bath.
  • Listen to soothing music.
  • Use guided imagery.
  • Practice mindful meditation.

Once you've been able to calm down, you should find yourself better positioned to approach stressful situations you're experiencing. 

It's also a good idea to take care of yourself by reducing interaction with things that usually generate anxiety. That being said, take care of yourself and remember that you’re always the number one priority on your to-do list. 

 6.  Social interactions

Humans are social creatures. What varies is the number of face-to-face interactions that everyone needs.

The bottom line of communication is that it can help ensure that you have support when you’re in moments of struggle. Having meaningful relationships can provide you happiness and a sense of self-fulfillment. 

Also, socializing is a powerful tool that helps you feel purposeful, especially when others can count on you. When you know your value in others' lives, it can make you feel better and important. 

That's why you shouldn't ditch social interactions, as it can give you a significant boost for your overall mental health and confidence. 

7.  Ask for help

Asking for help enables us to surround ourselves with people who can make us feel good and support us. These people create happiness and hope that we can deal with challenging situations and stay resilient.

As an essential aspect of mental health, emotional support plays a crucial role in overcoming serious life problems. Having someone you trust can give you support to help relieve stress, deal with issues, or provide aid when you're reaching wellness. 

More Tips on Boosting Your Mental Health  

Mental health is key if you're looking for ways to boost your health and confidence. In order to achieve your wellness dreams through-and-through, grab your Beyond Body book and get even more tips and tricks on how to achieve a healthy body. 

Beyond Body is truly more than just a diet or exercise plan. It's a good spot to begin your journey toward confidence, self-love, and overall well-being. 

So ditch all excuses, roll up your sleeves, and get it here to kickstart your wellness journey with us!

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Women Who Eat These 5 Foods Enjoy More Effective Weight Loss

4 mins read

2021 Aug 05

Are you tired of trying diets promising quick and effortless weight loss results? Diets that show other people success stories but don’t fit you?

This may often happen because not every diet works equally for everyone...

The golden rule to sustainable weight loss and long-term results is focusing on a healthier version of the foods you love and what makes you feel good in your own body. 

To make the journey to your goals easier, let’s take a look at the 5 food categories that accelerate weight loss and how to apply them in your daily life.

Let's dive in!

Fiber-Rich Foods

One of the things that make you lose weight successfully is eating fewer calories than you burn per day.

What this means is that you need food that stays longer in your body and hence keeps you full for longer.

That’s where fiber-rich foods come into play as they keep you satiated for longer, help regulate blood sugar levels, maintain bowel health, and improve the digestive system, which leads to better food processing and nutrient absorption. 

Some of the best fiber-rich foods to include in your diet are: 

  • Fresh fruits and vegetables
  • Legumes and beans
  • Nuts
  • Whole grains, such as buckwheat, whole grain pasta, or brown rice

So including this category of healthy foods to lose weight sustainably will have a positive effect on your body.

High-Quality Protein 

It’s a fact: the key to sustainable weight loss is to avoid overeating and focus on eating foods that will keep you full for a long time.

The next category we will look at is high-quality proteins. Simply put, protein-rich foods can keep you full for longer, so you won’t wake up in the middle of the night craving sweets!

Besides, if you are looking for diversity and want to switch the regular meat proteins – you can easily move to plant-based protein foods such as tofu, lentils, chickpeas, nuts, etc. Tastes good and is definitely better for your body and the environment!

Some of the best high-quality foods include:

  • Organically grown meats, especially lean chicken or turkey
  • Seafood and fish
  • Free-range eggs 
  • Plant-based protein

Тhat way you can enjoy a varied and balanced diet, which is the goal, right?

Leafy Greens 

When thinking about diet, usually the first thing that comes to mind is a salad.

This is not accidental because leafy greens are a rich resource of micronutrients with so many nutritional benefits. What’s more, most of them include essential fiber, nutrients, and vitamins, like vitamin K, which protects your bones, heart health, and even prolongs your life!

A few of the best health-boosters include:

  • Arugula
  • Kale 
  • Spinach 
  • Microgreens

Still, you don't have to make radical sacrifices, stay hungry, or eat only salads to lose weight. It’s all about the balance of protein, vegetables, and wholesome whole grains on your plate. Leafy greens should be a pleasant addition to your meals.

Ridiculously Delicious Healthy Snacks

What about snacks? Should you completely cut them out from your menu?

Well, to be honest – those that are full of sugar, yes! But the ones you make at home, with healthy, naturally sweet products – why not?

The easy solution is deliciously prepared healthy snacks.

Whether it will be nuts or homemade sweet potato chips, you can easily prepare low-carb and high-protein snacks to avoid feeling hungry during the day.

For more recipes, tips, and inspiration for making tons of healthy snacks – check out what our experts have to say. They will give you personalized guidance according to your preference so you can tame your sweet tooth in no time!


Speaking of snacks, do you enjoy eating yogurt with homemade granola?

Yummy… a delicious healthy snack with beneficial probiotics that improve your gut health.

A healthy gut means better results as well as better absorption of food, which may affect your weight loss.

And foods rich in probiotics, such as fermented foods like sauerkraut or dishes like miso soup, are the perfect solution for your gut and weight loss journey!

Remember, “Healthy gut, healthy you!”

Now You Have Them All! 

5 food categories that you can enjoy and sustainably lose weight.

It’s important to listen to your body and focus on what makes you feel good than following trendy diets that are meant for the masses.

To find more similar tips and get a personalized meal plan from Beyond Body, complete the 3-minute free quiz that will design advice and tips based on your answers which 100% match your lifestyle, needs, and preferences.

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Beyond Four Weeks Of Healthy Eating: The Amazing Effects On Your Body & Mind

3 mins read

2021 Apr 16

As you probably know, following a healthy, balanced diet doesn't need to be complicated. You just have to choose nutritious foods and take into account what works best for you and what can enhance your well-being. In that sense, healthy eating is something that should be a part of your lifestyle because it can transform your life for good.

But did you know that after four weeks to a year of following a healthy diet plan, you will start feeling incredible and much healthier? Or that by continuing your healthy eating journey, you can achieve amazing wellness results for a longer time?

Let's take a look at what changes will occur after eating healthily for four weeks or longer and why it should be put into your list of considerations.

Healthy Diet Benefits After 4 Weeks

Healthy diet habits are essential at any age. Of course, when it comes to dieting, you need to remember that healthy eating is about the food you eat and staying on the right course.

This mantra might sound familiar to you. However, focusing on your food and everything around it is an excellent way to ensure your success while reaching wellness. So, let's revise 3 healthy eating essentials.

  1. Your diet should consist of nutritious foods that will contribute to your body's well-functioning. Also, track how many calories you consume and what kind of minerals and vitamins your chosen products have.
  2. Try your best to keep up with mindful eating. Eat slowly and don't rush your meals. Focus on how the food makes you feel. Eliminate distractions when it comes to mealtimes and avoid eating out regularly.
  3. Plus, establish and follow a precise eating schedule as it will ensure your metabolism's healthy functioning.

That being said, you can benefit a lot from a thoroughly prepared meal plan. As you do so, four weeks later, your body will experience shedding the excess water retained from highly processed food and high sodium intake. In addition, be ready to experience:

  • Increased energy levels
  • Improved mental focus and quality of sleep
  • Less bloating and acid reflux 
  • Better metabolism
  • Healthy weight

Six Months of Healthy Diet Benefits on Your Body

After following a healthy diet plan for six months, you will notice that you are even more healthy and that consistent changes are happening to your body, such as:

  • Significant decrease in harmful cholesterol levels 
  • Stable blood pressure
  • Improved skin and hair complexion
  • Decreased symptoms of your health conditions (e.g., diabetes, gastritis) 
  • Enhanced physical endurance
  • Reduced blood sugar fluctuation 
  • Lowered risk of diabetes and heart diseases
  • Improved digestion processes

One Year of Healthy Diet Benefits on Your Body

If you wonder what changes may occur after continuing your healthy and nutritious diet for one year, take a look at the benefits you may receive:

  • Long-term healthy body weight 
  • Self-confidence, youthfulness, and energy
  • High physical endurance    
  • Low chance of falling back to your old habits 

And remember that healthy eating benefits and overall body transformation will persist only as long as you keep up with your wellness goals.

Sometimes you may have moments of doubts, questioning the validity of your new lifestyle. Despite this, you can deal with it quite easily. 

For example, try to meditate, analyze the reasons which have led to the questioning of yourself, and simply put them away. Also, track your progress, whether on a sheet of paper or by taking ‘before and after’ photos to see remarkable changes in your body shape. This physical proof will give you the motivation you need to move forward and ditch recurring negative thoughts.

Feel Happy, Healthy, and Robust in a Way That You Have Never Felt Before

Eating healthily is truly beneficial for your overall well-being. Sometimes, it might be hard to remember why you started or found enough strength to stay on the right course. Nevertheless, you shouldn’t forget to love yourself, and you should keep in your mind that eating healthily is the best thing you can do for yourself, as it will enhance the quality of your life for the long term. 

Progress doesn't happen overnight but will take place gradually. So have patience and keep going.

A personalized health and wellness book can help you sail through this exciting journey of health and confidence. Just remember, working toward wellness is different for everyone, and all you have to do is never give up. 

Get your personalized book today!

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Is It Possible For The DASH Diet To Change Your Lifestyle?

5 mins read

2021 May 05

If you still want to build sustainable habits that may lead to better sleep, less stress, and overall good health, you might need to try the DASH diet. It gives you freedom but at the same time helps you meet your health goals and targets. It’s well-balanced and allows you to eat what you love while maintaining good levels of nutrients, minerals, and vitamins necessary for your health.

Let’s see how you can make the most of it.

What Does the DASH Diet Mean?

According to the U.S. News and World Report, the DASH diet [1] is the best diet in the United States. 

Its name stands for Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension, recommended to help prevent or treat hypertension (high blood pressure).

However, its features may contribute successfully to your overall health simply because it offers balanced and healthy meals!

By now, you'll be wondering: “Okay, is it difficult to follow the DASH diet?"

The answer is no. The diet doesn’t stick to a specific type of nutrients or dishes. It recommends daily doses of different kinds of food depending on your needs. But more about that later.

The point here is that the DASH diet relies on each meal’s portion size and offers various foods from which you can choose your favorites ones. That way, you can keep a well-balanced diet full of essential nutrients while enjoying your fav meals.  

Let’s take a look at the recommended foods you can include in DASH’s diet meal recipes.

What Do You Eat on the DASH Diet? 

“Fill your plate with the colors of the rainbow. What pleases the eye, pleases the body.” – Deepak Chopra.

A well-known fact is that you eat with your eyes first. So to saturate your senses, fill your plate with colors that make you feel happy.

A lot of fruit and all vegetables are allowed in the DASH diet. They can be found in almost any color, so make the healthy eating fantastic experience not only for your stomach but also for your eyes.

Following the recommendations for quantity and a certain food cover, you can easily make various DASH diet snacks and meals instead of focusing only on a specific dish.

Here are some of the recommendations [2]:

  • Fruits and vegetables: 4–5 servings a day 

Whether they are frozen, canned, or fresh, you can find the serving size on almost all packages.

You can use the fruits as a morning or afternoon DASH diet snack as they are high in fiber and low in fat.

However, if you buy canned fruits or veggies, please make sure there is no added sugar or salt.

  • Grains: 6–8 servings a day 

This includes brown rice, pasta, oats, cereal, tortillas, bread, and many more. The recommendation is to choose whole grains which contain more fiber and nutrients. 

I know pasta might be one of your fav meals, and you can still enjoy it. However, try to avoid butter, cream, and cheese sauces since they are high in fat.

  • Dairy: 2–3 servings a day

Oatmeal with yogurt? Yep, that’s allowed! 

All you need to do is make sure the milk, yogurt, or dairy product you buy are low-fat or ideally fat-free.

  • Nuts and seeds: 4–5 servings a week

Be careful here! Although they are a good source of healthy fats, they are also high in calories. Enjoy them as a DASH diet snack or fancy addition to your salad dressing. It’s all up to your choice.

P.S. Check packages for guidance about the serving size.

  •  Protein: 6 one-ounce servings or fewer a day

Poultry, beef, fish, and some plant-based products are rich in protein that delivers you the strength you need to build your muscles and repair your body.

It’s important to include protein in your meal plan, so if you are a vegetarian, simply substitute the meat with chickpeas, lentils, or tofu. There are many variations, and it’s up to you what you should eat.

As you can see, the DASH diet does not focus on certain dishes but rather categories from which you can choose your fav ones. 

The main thing you have to keep in mind that the DASH diet limits the amount of salt you eat during the day to only 6 grams. Think about it while ordering food or buying pre-made meals, and always read the labels.

However, for a well-balanced diet, you should keep in mind the portion size of each food.

The healthy plate technique is an easy hack to maintain the balance in your plate and never run out of DASH diet recipes.

Choose your a plate and fill it according to the following guidance [3]: 

  • ½ of a plate full of veggies.
  • ¼ of protein such as meat, fish, tofu, or other vegetarian options.
  • ¼ of whole grains such as brown rice, buckwheat, or whole-grain bread. 

If you are wondering what the foods that are not recommended to consume are, these are all snacks and sweets high in sugar, fats, and salt:

  • Candy, cookies, chips
  • Sodas, sugary beverages
  • Processed foods
  • Foods that are high in salt 

But don’t worry! The DASH diet recipes have a great healthier alternative to your well-known fast food, takeaways, and sweet cravings. You can find tons of other healthy meal ideas in the Beyond Body book.

What Are the Benefits You Get?

One of the main benefits of the DASH diet is lowering your blood pressure, resulting in reducing and minimizing salt consumption.

It also promotes a well-balanced diet and controlling your daily calories, which may lead to weight loss.

The food you eat holds the key to your wealth. Switching to a DASH diet may bring you many positive benefits and changes in your body.

Get your personalized meal plan today

Creating healthy lifestyle habits should not be something that depresses and demotivates you.

It should awaken your desire to feel better in your own skin every day. You may quickly achieve this goal if you enjoy the things you love, like your favorite meals.

So if you want to start eating healthier and never run out of ideas for cheap and delicious meals, get your personalized meal plan in only 3 minutes. Click here.

All you need to do is fill the short quiz and order a fully personalized wellness book that 100% matches your lifestyle, needs, and preferences. 

Remember: you don’t have to follow the crowd to reach your lifestyle goals! Create your path in tone with your desires and wishes.


[1]: https://www.health.harvard.edu/diet-and-weight-loss/dash-or-mediterranean-which-diet-is-better-for-you

[2]: https://www.mayoclinic.org/healthy-lifestyle/nutrition-and-healthy-eating/in-depth/dash-diet/art-20048456

[3]: https://www.hsph.harvard.edu/nutritionsource/healthy-eating-plate/

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